
Sunday, September 18, 2016

A HUGE Thank You To Robert Kaufman

As a guild we often make charity quilts and we are very lucky to have fabric companies donate fabric to us. 

However, never have we seen such generosity as recently came from Robert Kaufman fabrics!

Susie, of our charity committee, came home one day to these boxes, full of fabric donations!

Want to see a sneak peek of what was inside? Prepare to be amazed!

We raise funds throughout the year that go into our charity quilt fund and together with this generous fabric donation we are well on our way towards future quilts to benefit our community.

As a matter of fact, we've already made a very special quilt top that will be donated to a charity our guild has made two quilts for. Want to see it? Come to our September meeting or subscribe to our blog from our homepage as we'll be sharing it later this week!

To see all of the charity quilts we have made so far visit this page.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

September Meeting Reminder

Image credit: 

Bring a Friend Night!!! 

We are asking everyone to invite someone quilty to the special event at our next meeting ... On Tuesday, September 20th, we are hosting Bring a Friend Night! We are planning a game that will allow many members and guests to walk away with some fabulous fabric bundles. This will be the most fabric prizes the guild has ever given away in one night. Let the fun begin!

In other meeting-related news ...

Swaps: Swap participants, remember to bring your fabric. This will be the last scheduled swap for this go-round.

WIPs: We are one month into our second work-in-progress (WIP) challenge! Just like last time, each member is allowed three WIP tickets to enter into the raffle. We will be raffling a  $50 dollar gift card to Quilted Threads at the December meeting! It's a little motivation to get those pesky projects finished. Any member who missed the August meeting will have a chance to enter new projects at the September meeting.

Raffles:  As always, we'll have some raffles. September's meeting will feature: 3 half-yard cuts of Nightfall by Maureen Cracknell for Art Gallery Fabrics and Modern Rainbow by Rebecca Bryan.

We'll see you on the 20th!