
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

August Show and Tell

The August guild meeting was a blast! We laughed as we tried to finish our Sewlympics tasks. We cried as we came up short in the competition (darn you, Kona color challenge!). And we oohed and aahed at the finishes displayed during show and tell ...

Led by Nancy T., guild members revealed the four quilts for Pulse that we’ve finished to date.

Patty shared her latest quilt, a Sew Kind of Wonderful pattern called Metro Scope.

Lisa held up three finished tops on their way to becoming quilts (and she has since started quilting one of them here).

Beth C. organized a special project for a retiring colleague. Teachers at her school wrote notes on neutral fabric squares, and Beth transformed them into this unique gift.

Gail experimented with fabric in this runner.

Marie fulfilled a recent challenge by creating this mini, her interpretation of a structure she encountered in the woods.

Jessie showed off this throw-size finish.

Simone sewed up this amazing bag for herself.

Denise is hiding behind two recent finishes. She started both years ago but wrapped them up for our WIP challenge.

Dess turned hand-pieced hexagons into lavender sachets, explaining that quilt blocks aren’t just for quilts!

Carolyn pieced this quilt in a workshop with Amy Friend and quilted it herself!

Judy also took the Amy Friend class, finishing the same quilt in a different palette.

Sandi showed us the back of two throw-size quilts ...

And then explained how she used the same fabric to create two very different tops ...

Sandi calls this, her third finish, Mango Mix.

Sue shared this quilt with the group.

And Ann shared this runner.

This quilt (whose creator is hidden behind it!) was made from a panel that was cut vertically and sewn back together.

Janice picked up this quilt top years ago at a UFO sale and gave it new life as a finished quilt.

Janice also finished this house quilt.

Nancy T. showed us two quilts: one featuring the NHMQG 2015 blocks of the month and one that uses some of her Farmer’s Wife blocks.

Kathy’s grandson was eager to receive this quilt and even contributed to the label on the back.

Kathy also showed off this sparkly runner.

Opheila finished three projects: her Castle Peeps quilt, Red Letter Day quilt, and Amish with a Twist quilt.

Mary Jean used Denyse Schmidt’s Hadley line to create this beauty, a throw she is keeping for herself.

Join us on September 20th for the next guild meeting, which will feature a new batch of show-and-tell quilts and much more!

Monday, August 15, 2016

August Meeting Reminder

Our August meeting will be tomorrow, August 16th at 7pm at the First Baptist Church in Nashua.

Don't forget your fabric for any swaps you are participating in and of course, items to share during Show and Tell!

Did you finish any of your WIPs? The prize will be awarded tomorrow night!

We have also arranged a very special activity for you that we have dubbed the Sewlympics! Come prepared for a fun night.

If the Sewlympics isn't reason enough to get you down to this meeting, check out these awesome raffle prizes!