
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Quilts For Pulse

At the June guild meeting of the NHMQG we, as a group, decided to accept the call for quilts from the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild. Their goal is to give a quilt to all of the survivors of the shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, as well as to the first responders and families of those killed.
Nancy Tatro has volunteered to chair this effort! 

Take it away Nancy!

The "O"MQG would like to have blocks, or IDEALLY, finished quilts, with a heart theme and in the colors of the rainbow. I say lets send them finished quilts! 
I've chosen a free block graciously supplied to us from Cluck Cluck Sew.  Here is the website for the pattern, cutting directions for specific sizes, pictures of the sewing process and an embedded tutorial (if you need it):

Now for the particulars:
1.  Please use a solid white or a white on white fabric for the background.
2.  Please use a solid color or a monochromatic fabric that reads like a solid for the heart.
3.  Please use the colors of the rainbow, don't be afraid to stretch those colors, just please keep it HAPPY and BRIGHT.
4. Please make either a 10" block or four 5" blocks, only. NO other sizes, please.
5. Please press all seams OPEN. This reduces the bulk at seams.
6.  Please measure and ensure that your blocks are 10 1/2" or 5 1/2". This is a group project, so your best work will be greatly appreciated!
7. Please bring your finished blocks to the July NHMQG Meeting and give them to me.  If you can't make it to that meeting, you can mail your blocks to me at:
                      25 Forest Road
                      Candia, NH  03034
Dina Niskala from the PINE TREE QUILT SHOP, 224 North Broadway, Salem, NH has offered us the use of her classroom space (for free!) to complete the quilt tops!  Our first SEW-IN date is Sunday, July 24th from 11-4pm.  We have a provisional date (if we need it) on Sunday, August 7th,11-4pm.  I will be passing around a sign-up form at the meeting. The space can fit 10 sewists comfortably and we will need two "pressers"
If you would like to be involved in the project, but can't make blocks, consider volunteering to quilt the tops, sew the bindings and labels on, or donating a few dollars to offset the costs (batting, backing and binding material and postage)!
If each one of us makes just one block, we can complete 2 lap size quilts, but I think we can do better than that!  I made a practice block last night and it took me longer to draw the diagonal lines on the background squares than it did to sew the whole block together!
Here is a link to the original message sent from the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild:
Thank you in advance for your help with this project. For myself, I hope this helps with a little of the horror and paralysis that I've felt since this insanity happened.

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