
Thursday, January 5, 2023

January 2023 Meeting and Raffles


Hi Everyone!

Here are the raffles for the upcoming meeting, TUESDAY January 10, 2023. We will be gathering at the Jo-Ann Fabrics store in the Nashua Mall complex in the classroom/meeting space. Meeting starts at 7, but feel free to come early to chat or shop, we have the space until 9pm!

29 Gusabel Avenue
Nashua, NH 03063


Raffle is now closed, please purchase any further tickets at the door of the meeting!


Raffle 1:

Low Volume Jelly Roll by Free Spirit Fabrics and Robert Kaufman Cheering Cool Palette bundle

Raffle 2:

Reliable Maven 125IS Iron - 

Good luck and see you there!

Monday, January 2, 2023

December Show and Tell


Thanks Michelle Marrone for taking pictures!



December meeting recap

NHMQG December Meeting Highlights

Copies of the Income and Expense Report were available at the door for those who wished to see it. Christine Richards was our volunteer greeter, which was very much appreciated. Thanks also to all those who facilitated the entrance into the church prior to the meeting.

The annual election for new board members was held with the following results…

President – Ophelia Chang, Programming and Events VPs-Susie Boots and Karen Gilbert, Communication VPs-Brianna Henningsen and Maura McDonnell, Treasurer-Marie Joerger, Secretary-Pat John.

Lori Breen, retreats chairperson, announced 2 retreats next year, May 11-14 at the Franciscan Guest House in Kennebunk and November 2-5 at Village by the Sea in Wells. Both retreats run Thursday – Sunday with 2 and 3 night options.

Show and Tell included members’ last chance to share their completed Works-In-Progress to be eligible for WIP Challenge prizes. Winners receiving gift cards to Pintuck & Pearl in North Hampton were Mary Lou Soczek, Robin Rich and Julie Rowe. Robin proved doubly lucky by winning a bonus $10 gift card to Bits & Pieces Quilt Shop in Pelham. Check for photos!! 

Thanks Michelle Marrone for taking pictures!

Members who paid 2023 dues by today were entered in a raffle… Brenda Doler was the winner of a $10 gift card to Bits & Pieces.

Ophelia facilitated the Yankee Swap and selection of end-of-year give-a ways, which were curated by our programming VPs with surplus end-of-year funds in treasury. Everyone found something to their taste in the give-a ways, and attendees were allowed to choose their gifts in order according to their Yankee Swap numbers. Karen Gilbert was lucky number one for the Yankee Swap and ended the swapping by “stealing” a handmade gift that had made the rounds. Handmade gifts were in high demand, as was a jigsaw puzzle, and, of course, the ubiquitous booze bundle! Thank you to all who participated and did so in good spirit!

Our meeting concluded with a pot luck and in keeping with the congeniality of the Yankee Swap, we shared delicious foods from so many members. There was plenty for all, and the clean-up was characteristically efficient, with all hands on deck to help restore the meeting space to as clean as we found it.

All in all, it has been a wonderful guild year, with a record number of members, return to in-person meetings, and 2 fantastic retreats. We look forward to seeing you all next year. Please visit the blog to pay 2023 dues, which remain at $65. We will meet on January 10, 2023, at Jo Ann Fabrics in Nashua. (6:30 for visiting, meeting to begin at 7PM) Please note that this is a TUESDAY. Meetings will be either on Tuesdays or Thursday evenings, as we are trying to accommodate more members who have set commitments. We hope to have a schedule of meetings at the January meeting, or earlier. Meanwhile, have a happy and safe holiday season!