
Thursday, August 18, 2022

August 2022 Meeting Recap

Great meeting this past week at Greeley Park. We have a returning member, Carol Krasin and a new member, Michelle Marrone. Welcome back and welcome!

The WIP (Works In Progress) challenge is here again. Below is the link to register your WIPs. Please submit these by the end of the month! Once you are done with a WIP, bring it to the next meeting to show and tell and state that it is a WIP to get it checked off your list. Good luck clearing out those projects that are hanging around.

 ~**WIP Challenge**~ 

Charity quilt report: Lesley delivered 18 quilts to Nashua Children’s home which is an ongoing effort still needing binding volunteers. Also - re the Sleep in heavenly peace project –2000-4000 kids in NH do not have a bed to sleep in. This charity builds beds and delivers them. Carol Krasin and her husband have delivered and assembled beds for self-identified folks who need them. We would like folks who wish to help,  to make just one (or two) blocks at 12 inches finished so we can put together one quilt that goes to that charity from the entire guild. Any combination of blue, green, yellow and white. Use any or all of these colors BUT please don't use white as a background, as we prefer not to make a quilt with lots of white for kids. Bring blocks to September and October and November meetings and we will present the quilt to SHIP in December. We need at least 20, preferably 30 blocks.

Retreat news: The day of the meeting was also the deadline to sign up for the October Retreat at Village by the Sea. By the end of the meeting, we had 28 members sign up so it promises to be a fabulous, busy time for those who can make it this year. If you didn’t sign up for this retreat, we look forward to spending time with you next go-round!

A new Workshop is now open to members!

Sign up for the Saturday, September 24th Exploring Curves Workshop with Cotton and Bourbon's Audrey Esarey. Registration is now open for members of our guild.

Workshop fee is $55.00

Sign up at link below:

Audrey Esarey's description:

Exploring Curves - Designing and Drafting Quilts with Complex Curves & Quilt Assembly Workshop via Zoom: 

This class begins with lecture and drafting exercises on my methods for drafting quilts with complex and irregular curves. We’ll discuss how I assemble quilts from the drawings, and I’ll share the best practices I follow for this process. The class will continue using the Exploring Curves Quilt as practice for sewing complex curves. This quilt is a wall hanging made from one large block that uses curved piecing to create the illusion of transparency from overlapping circles. We’ll discuss building a palette and tips and tricks for stress-free curved piecing. Take the guesswork out of color selection by using one of the published color palettes inside the pattern! The Exploring Curves Quilt finishes at 24 x 24 inches. Drafting Complex Curves Booklet sold separately.

Skill level: Intermediate

Show and Tell: 

Lori Breen and her strip quilt from the strip challenge Front/Back

Robin and her 3 yard quilt made of Marvel fabrics for charity

Carol and her Increase Baby Quilt

Carol’s Strip Plus quilt

Chelsea and her Pretty Birds

Chelsea’s Puppies and Kitties

Jennifer and her Judy Neimayer extravaganza!

Ophelia’s Hawaiian Dogs

Ophelia’s Pretty Birds

Ophelia’s long-lost Block of the Month, Quilting Cousins

See you all on September 8th for the next meeting!