
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

2020 Board Nominations

Official nominations for the 2020 board took place at our November meeting and only one person was nominated for each role. We will still hold a vote in December to stick to our bi-laws! 

The nominations were:
President: Patricia Magaw
VP Programming: Trish Walstad 
VP Events: Betsy Perry
VP Communications: Gail Coad
Treasurer: Ellen Dutile 
Secretary: Julie Rowe

We are all looking forward to what this new board has in store for our group!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

November 2019 Meeting Reminder

Our November meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 19th at 7pm!! Doors open at 6:45ish if you would like to come early for some pre-meeting sew-cializing!

Programming: We’ll each be making a set of 15-row markers to use when constructing quilts. If you’re planning on attending this meeting (and we hope you are!), please be sure to read this information so you’ll have what you need to participate in the make-and-take activity.

2020 Board: At the November meeting, those interested in board positions will have their final opportunity to nominate themselves or be nominated. On 11/20 a final list of candidates will be shared and the vote will take place at our December meeting on 12/17.

Show and Tell: Make sure to bring your finishes to show and tell this month. Remember, each item you bring to show and tell in 2019 enters you into a special year-end raffle that will be drawn this month!

December Meeting: Our December Holiday Celebration meeting will take place at Liquid Therapy in downtown Nashua on December 17th. We'll be hosting a traditional style Yankee Swap with a twist! Instead of wrapping a gift please bring a modern-themed gift in a zipper pouch. The pouch can be homemade or purchased! The items inside should be in the $15-$20 range. 

We'll see you Tuesday!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Supplies for Our Make-and-Take Craft

At our next monthly meeting, on November 19th, we’ll each be making a set of 15 row markers to use when constructing quilts. If you’re planning on attending this meeting (and we hope you are!), please be sure to read this information so you’ll have what you need to participate in the make-and-take activity.

What to Bring

You’ll need 15 pieces of fabric to make your row markers, all cut to 1 3/4" x 5 3/4". Bring an extra one or two, just in case. Fold your pieces in half width-wise and press.

For our row markers, we’ll be using black letter stickers that are not backed in white (contrary to the number markers pictures here). Keep that in mind when selecting your fabric—lighter fabrics may work better than darker ones.

If You Have It on Hand to Share

If you have a laminating machine that you could bring to the meeting, please let Michelle know at frombolttobeauty [at] gmail [dot] com (even if you already told her). The more machines we have, the faster we’ll be able to assemble our projects.

Also, if you happen to have a single quarter-inch hand punch that you don’t mind using on plastic, please bring that.

If You Forget Your Supplies

If you forget your supplies or don’t have enough time to get them together, we will have some extra fabric on hand so that everyone will leave with a set of row markers. : )


Drop Michelle an email at frombolttobeauty [at] gmail [dot] com

If you’d like to know more details about this craft, you can check out the tutorial we’ll be following here.